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Bottle List 


Bottles available for in house and to-go


Twist: Saison with local juniper and lime zest, bottle conditioned with Brettanomyces. 500 ml $9

Spindrift: Blended barrel aged golden sour with pineapple. 500ml $10

Pomastique Vieux: Barrel aged Tripel inspired beer fermented with local apple cider. Beer re-fermented with Brettanomyces. 500ml. $15

WildOne December 2020 Blend: Blend of 1, 2, and 3 year olf barrel aged beer fermented with local yeast and bacteria. 500ml. $15

Apracadabra: Blended barrel aged sour with apricots. 375ml. $8

McElmo Kreik: Blended barrel aged sour with local sweet and tart cherries. 500ml. $10

Forbidden Fruit: Barrel aged golden sour with Quince grown at Sutcliffe Vineyards. 500 ml bottle. $12






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